40 Plant-Based Lent Recipes (All Vegetarian and Vegan)

Many eat meatless meals during Lent. Try these 40 plant-based Lent recipes, which are also vegetarian and vegan.

40 Plant-Based Lent Recipes (All Vegetarian and Vegan)
Photo by Grant Whitty / Unsplash


Vegan Origins

In 2017, I became vegan on Ash Wednesday. I considered this decision for a while and thought Lent was a great excuse to change my diet and learn more about speciesism. Over time, veganism became a lifestyle change instead of just a diet.

What Is Lent?

If you aren't familiar with what Lent is, Lent is preparation for Easter, which is more than a bunny leaving kids presents. Christians believe someone known in history books as Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross (crucifixion) on a Friday and returned from the dead (resurrection) two days later, almost 2,000 years ago. This preparation involves giving things up. Also, everyone is supposed not to eat meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent, but it is okay to eat fish and any form of seafood.

That means many people eat vegetarian and pescatarian meals for religious purposes during certain days of the year. Try any of these 40 meatless Lent recipes, including the following (all vegetarian and vegan).

  • 10 pescatarian soups
  • 10 vegetarian casseroles
  • 10 plant-based seafood alternatives
  • 10 meatless grilled cheese sandwiches
  • 10 plant-based brands (bonus)