30 Vegan Beet Recipes

Beets are a versatile and healthy addition to a balanced diet. Try these vegan beet recipes today.

30 Vegan Beet Recipes

Happy Valentine’s Day! While many have date plans at fancy restaurants, I will have a mean dish of Lady and the Tramp style spaghetti and meatballs ready for me when I get home from work, vegan of course. While I pour my future glass of non-alcoholic Rosé, my cats will wonder why I’m so pathetic on the year's most romantic day. Well, I don’t know. It beets me.

Even though Valentine’s Day only happens once a year, you should be able to find yummy beets at the store pretty much all year round. Isn’t that something to celebrate? Unless you’re me, I couldn’t find any beets at Target and Hy-Vee recently, so I’m missing out.

Make these vegan beet recipes today, including but not limited to the following.

  1. Beet Pasta
  2. Beet Pomegranate Salad
  3. Beet Hummus
  4. Greek Salad Pizza
  5. Beet Sweet Potato Pie

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