How Can I Make Every Holiday Vegan-Friendly?

The holidays are a stressful time, especially when allergies and speciality diets are involved. Here are some ways to accommodate vegans.

How Can I Make Every Holiday Vegan-Friendly?
Photo by Sincerely Media / Unsplash


The holidays are the biggest capitalistic and clashing times of the year. Everyone is expected to spend a bunch of money on food and gifts, and if anyone even murmurs anything to do with politics, religion, and/or race, expect a living hell to occur.

To alleviate some of the holiday stress, try to make your holiday gatherings diet-friendly.

Here are some ways to make 16 holidays vegan-friendly.

  1. Kwanzaa
  2. Hanukkah
  3. Día de Muertos
  4. Lunar New Year
  5. Diwali
  6. Eid al-Adha
  7. Anzac Day
  8. Oktoberfest
  9. Easter
  10. Halloween
  11. Thanksgiving
  12. Christmas
  13. Valentine’s Day
  14. Independence Day
  15. New Year’s Eve
  16. Cinco de Mayo